5 Signs Your Family Has Outgrown Your Home

For lots of homeowners, there eventually comes a time when your present property no longer seems to serve your needs as a family. Many people buy their homes when they are young and just starting ut. As their family grows, their needs change and suddenly their house is just not working. But, how do you know when you’ve reached that point? Here are a few key signs your family has outgrown your home.

1. Your family has expanded
Whether you’ve had a new baby, a child has returned from university as a fully-fledged adult with greater privacy needs, or you’ve had to move an elderly parent in with you, if the number of people living in your home has increased, and you’re all finding it difficult to fit together, then it could be a key sign that your family has outgrown your current home.

2. You can’t find any peace
Some might say that if you have a young family, it’s impossible to find any peace for yourself anyway, but still. If you struggle to find a place in your home where you can be calm and quiet for even a few minutes each day, you may need to think about calling the estate agents because you should be able to have peace in your home. In fact, it’s the one place where relaxation should be guaranteed, most of the time anyway.

3. There’s clutter everywhere
Okay, so this could just be a sign that you’ve accumulated too much stuff in general as a family, or that you aren’t too keen on clearing up after a busy day, but if there’s clutter everywhere, but you know that most of it is necessary clutter - it’s just that you don’t have anywhere to put it, it could be time for a move. When you have more space, it’s easier to maintain your clutter and keep it to a minimum. It just is.

4. Life has changed dramatically
From blended families to life-changing injuries, there are many dramatic life changes that can mean that your home is no longer suitable, For example, if you remarry and inherit a couple of stepkids, they’ll need their own space, which means your home may no longer be a good fit, or if you have an accident that leaves you disabled, your home may prove difficult to navigate and a move to a home on a single floor may be better for you. These are just two examples, but they give you an idea of the kind of life changes that could render your home unsuitable.

5. You hate it
You may have loved your home when you bought it, but if you find yourself feeling bored with it, or even hating it, then if you can afford to do so, it may be worth looking into moving because everyone deserves to live in a place they truly love.

Have you spotted any of these key signs that your family has outgrown your home? If so, do you plan to do anything about it?