In the market for a new handbag? If you're unsure of exactly what to go for to suit your needs then there's no need to fret, a little research and planning will ensure your hard earned money is well spent. Although designer handbags are always an exciting buy, some can be insanely expensive and either too large or too small for the purpose you want them for. Just spending a lot on a bag doesn't mean you'll get what you're after, so a bit more planning is key. Here are some ideas for different types of bags you might need.
Clutch Bags
These are evening bags that we all love when going for dinner or to other formal occasions. They are fashionable and chic, typically small in size to fit your essentials. They're typically like a larger version of purses, around 15cm by 25cm. They'll accessorise your outfit and give you somewhere just to keep a few key items.
Tote Bags
These are popular handbags for women today because they fit into any casual or formal occasion. Essentially, these bags are supposed to fit everything that a woman needs for the day. The recommended size is 25cm by 32cm, but this can slightly vary depending on the designer or intended purpose. For those who want to use their tote bags for shopping or to carry a laptop, a slightly larger bag is better.
It's so worth keeping a shopping bag or two in your car just in case you pass by the store, buying carrier bags can be expensive over time and plus they're bad for the envionment. Shoppers are typically the largest types of bags as they're designed for carrying a lot of items. They can be customized in many ways as seen on the Rocketbags website. They should have strong straps that are fastened well for the heavy weight of your groceries of shopping trip.
Backpack Bags
Backpacks are good for things like laptops, books, and tablets. College students might also carry some extra clothes and study materials in them. One with extra pockets on the inner side for money, school ID, and a few makeup items are useful, especially if you're out for the day. Being able to carry the bag on your back means the weight can be distributed evenly and allow you to lug a heavier load around without it being comfortable.
Satchel Bags
These might be typical school bags, but satchels can still be incredibly chic. Satchels are made of high-quality and durable leather, are worn over the shoulder for a comfortable fit and give a smart look to an outfit.
Bowling Bags
One of the most important things is to choose a bowling bag of the right size; since they are a round shape, you need to go for a medium size. Bowling bags that are too big will lose their fashion essence while those that are too small may not fulfill the purpose of carrying your personal items to work. So be sure to strike the right balance.