Pregnancy is one of the most special times in woman’s life, and the best way she can take care of her unborn baby is by taking care of herself. However, when everyone seems to offer different advice, these contradictions can be stressful and puzzling. One of the issues that people usually have different views about is the use of essential oils. Essential oils are the concentrated oils that are extracted from useful plants and herbs. These are highly concentrated and should always be used in small volumes during pregnancy. You can either apply these oils on your body, inhale them or you can add them into your food. The right oils can provide a whole heap of benefits.
Tension release:
Oils such as lavender, basil, peppermint, rosemary, and wintergreen all have proven relaxation effects. Rope in your partner and ask them for a massage, applying the oil across the shoulder and back. Massage stimulates 'happy chemicals' to release into the body, giving you a natural boost and improve your wellbeing in pregnancy in a healthy way.
To maintain your skin:
Your skin is stretched in a big way during pregnancy. Mixing one of two drops of geranium oil with coconut water is a natural way to avoid stretch marks. The key is keeping the skin well hydrated, and being consistent with applying products. There are lots of different creams and lotions you can buy at the chemist, but this is all natural so ideal if you're wanting a pregnancy as free as chemicals as possible.
To stabilize your emotions and mood swings:
Mood swings and emotional instability are very commonly experienced during pregnancy. Essential oils like Ho wood, spruce, frankincense or a combination of these oils can help to balance mood and emotions due to their calming effect.
Helps with digestion:
Oils like lavender, ginger, and sandalwood help with feelings of nausea. You can mix two drops of any of these oils with coconut oil, and consume it on a spoon or scoop it into a pill capsule (you can buy these from any chemist) to help with your digestion. Essential oils like ginger oil can help to relax your stomach so is good for morning sickness and can also prevent bloat.
Some essential oils can cleanse parasites and help to keep your body infection-free. Despite being acidic in nature, lemon turns alkaline once it's digested, and so lemon oil can help with neutralising acids in your body. It also helps in cleansing toxins.
Promotes peaceful nights
Ylang Ylang oil helps to calm you down and provides warmth in your body which allows you to sleep peacefully without any worry or stress. Lavender again is great for promoting a good night's sleep, you could make up a pillow mist by adding the oil and water to a spray bottle and giving it a light spritz before bed.
Helps recover after giving birth
Essential oils can also be really useful after you've given birth to your baby. They can help in ensuring the regular flow of milk, and also promote fast recovery of the mother. Apart from this, chamomile and geranium oils can soothes the perineal area after childbirth, easing pain and promoting healing.
Oils to avoid
Although lots of essential oils provide benefits to mums-to-be, there are some oils which you should avoid. Say no to these following oils during your pregnancy. This is because they're known to cause cramping and contractions, so could bring on early labour or cause bleeding.
* Tansy
* Wormwood
* Cinnamon
* Fennel
* Camphor
* Aniseed
* Birch
* Hyssop
* Marjoram
* Wintergree
Did you use any essential oils in your pregnancy?