I don't suffer with dry skin for a huge part of the year, but then the cold weather sets in and it's like my face says 'no way' and decides to try and fall off. I dread to think how awful it must get for people with existing dry or sensitive skin, I think I'd end up walking around in a balaclava looking like a bank robber all winter. Not only have we got to worry about 'gale force makeovers' making our hair stand on end, but the cold winds topped off with drier air and central heating can deplete skin of it's natural moisture barrier too. What this results in is rough, dry and flaky skin that feels sensitive and is impossible to apply makeup to. Such fun- note to self, must go into hibernation until spring. Luckily this year the Skin Shop has come to the rescue before my skin really starts playing up, with three intense dry skin remedies that are perfect for over the colder months.
Defensil Rescue Serum: £9.95*
Defensil Rescue Serum is a treatment to reduce irritation caused by very dry skin, and to create a barrier to protect against further drying and flaking. This was actually developed in the Swiss Alps for people living at high altitudes to treat dry skin- as much as I complain about the cold weather in the winter here in England I bet it's like a tropical holiday compared with living in the Alps. Defensil contains anti-drying properties due to the presence of natural steroids called phytosteroles. It feels much like any other moisturiser, it definitely leaves my skin feeling hydrated but the real test will be later this year when winter properly arrives. I'll probably do a separate review on this at some point in November and December to see if it lives up to it's claims of protecting very dry skin.
Liquorice Balm: £7.95*
I haven't given much thought to dry lips over the last few months, I haven't suffered with them at all while the weather has been mild but I know for a fact once the cold sets in they'll become the bane of my life again. Lips become flaky and chapped due to them drying out and the skin shedding unevenly, top it off with a good dose of nose wiping when that winter flu kicks in and it can leave you feeling like you want to tear your face off. This is an intensively moisturising balm containing liquorice extract, which is particularly rich in Glycrihizic Acid. While it does have a slight liquorice taste it's nothing offensive and isn't something that would put you off if you're not a huge fan of liquorice. This is definitely the most moisturising lip balm I own, and while it's not as tasty as my Nivea Caramel Creme lip butter it gets to work much quicker and leaves my lips feeling hydrated for longer. It's even been researched by the ever-so-glamorous Herpes Simplex Association who found it reduced the severity and duration of cold sore outbreaks in 73% of people. Thirty million people in the UK have the herpes simplex virus, and it can be transmitted with one kiss. Once you have it, it can result in coldsores popping up as and when they like. There's a scary fact for you!
Dry Eye Gel: £6.95*
Dry, itchy skin around the eyes is supposedly very common, I know I suffer with them from time to time especially when I've spent time outside on a cold day. Additives and chemicals in cosmetics can also cause problems with irritation and can cause dry and itchy eyes. While my eyes don't feel sore or irritated at the moment I did notice that this gel felt really nice and soothing on the skin, it contains Southern American plant extract Cardiospermum which has been shown to help with the symptoms of irritated eyes. I can definitely see this being a great remedy for when dry eyes strike, plus the name Cardiospermum is also worth a chuckle if you're immature like me.
This brand has clearly done their homework, each of their products and ingredients have been tested in clinical trials and judging by the results are really effective on the majority of people. These products and loads more on the site are included in their 'three for two deal' so if you're suffering with dry skin or know that you will come winter then the Skin Shop is well worth a look.
This brand has clearly done their homework, each of their products and ingredients have been tested in clinical trials and judging by the results are really effective on the majority of people. These products and loads more on the site are included in their 'three for two deal' so if you're suffering with dry skin or know that you will come winter then the Skin Shop is well worth a look.
Do you suffer with dry skin in winter? Which products do you use?